Help wanted!

Erik on deck on MS Galten
Captain setting up for diving. Photo credit: Henrik Askling

Are you ready to explore the fjords and wrecks in Narvik/Lofoten!

Now you have the opportunity to spend the 2024 season with us at Dive Narvik, with nice guests, fantastic wreck diving, beautiful fjords and a magnificent landscape.

On board the cozy M/S Galten, the optimal dive vessel for cold water diving with all the necessary amenities.

We are ready to receive everyone who wants to experience fantastic diving in an easy way.

Narvik/Lofoten one of the best shipwreck paradises in the world, the wrecks are from the Second World War and consist of cargo ships, destroyers, aircraft and U-boats.

Good to know:
This is a liveaboard.
Merit is experience in diving.
The season is June-October, we give priority to those who want to be here for the whole season, but we can also split it up.
The water temperature is 4-12 degrees, the air temperature is -5 – +25 degrees.

When you feel like you want to experience this or have any questions, don’t hesitate to write to us!